Saturday, July 21, 2007


Having a beach all to yourself with great light is a blessing. Not only can one leisurely pursue making images, you can also unwind. Clear your mind and just get absorbed in the task at hand.

I have to admit that I've been remiss in making images lately. Life has a way of presenting challenges that need immediate attention, leaving little time for anything else. That being said, they do get taken care of and now it's time for me to focus on what I love to do.

On the Stock Photography front, I got accepted by and now have images there. I'll add a link to my images as soon as I can. This being a new venture for Corbis there are a few things they are still working out. One of them are providing more tools for their contributors, with such things as the code to insert as a link to contributor portfolios.

It will all sort itself out in short order. In the meantime. Back to it....

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