Thursday, February 19, 2009

All in a Day's Work

Taxifornia has what it takes to take what you have.
How does California solve its budget problems?

1. Take more from its citizens struggling to get by.
2. BORROW more money and prolong the problem.

Would you borrow money to pay a debt burden you can't afford? I didn't think so. But that's what California is doing. It's criminal!

But there are things we can do to help ourselves.

Here are a few things I've read and think are good ideas.

1. Buy less. Stick with the essentials and postpone buying everything you can.
2. If you're one of the lucky ones who can still afford to take a vacation, take it in another State. Forget Yosemite, head for the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone.
3. Drive less. Do more at home. Spend time with the family.
4. Barter. A little quid pro quo between professions.
5. Cancel your newspaper and magazine subscriptions. All the content you want is online.
6. Start packing a lunch.
7. Still going to a gym? Why not find other ways to exercise? A walk or jog perhaps.
8. Pay off your credit cards. This is the quickest way to give yourself a raise. (you get to keep more of your money)
9. Stop eating out.
10. Start buying things on sale. Look for value, always.
11. If you're a reader, remember you can always get books from the library.  There's lots of free digital books for the Kindle too.
12. Got stuff you don't need anymore? Have a garage sale and get rid of it. You'll feel better and have a little extra cash too!
13. Get rid of extra phone lines or 2nd cable boxes.
14. Compare prices and look for sales.
15. Buy what you can online and/or from out of the State.

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