Sunday, March 21, 2010

Looking ahead

In moving, I was hoping to gain some space in order to have room to expand on some photography work. I was thinking along the lines of a small studio area with controlled lighting.

That didn't happen. The new place is small, and in fact there's less space than before.

That doesn't mean giving up on expanding on photography. In fact, it could be just what I needed.

The U.S. Marine Corps have an unofficial motto: "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome". I think a creed of flexibility would serve many very well in their journeys.

So, knowing that I don't have controlled lighting... what to do? Learn to control the light you do have... any light.

And just to drive this home, after unpacking things yesterday, I decided to take a break and headed to the beach. I'm a fool for sunsets.

Under the pier on a nearly empty beach with the sun setting quickly, what do I notice? A photographer working with two young models, using a small flash for balanced fill light, and that beautiful setting sun as his rim light.

What a great setting. I could tell everyone involved was exciting with the results they were getting as they looked at the screen on the back on the camera, quickly taking more images before they lost the light.

Viola! Given a choice between sterile, controlled lighting, or a more natural setting.... There's no choice really to be made.

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.

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