Saturday, April 29, 2023

Looking out the window

One day, a student approached the Zen master and asked, "Master, why is it that no matter how hard we search for satisfaction, we can never seem to find it?"

The master replied, "Imagine a bird flying high in the sky. It searches endlessly for the perfect tree to rest upon, but no matter how far it travels, it can never find the ideal perch. The bird grows tired and eventually lands on a nearby branch, realizing that it had been overlooking the beauty and comfort of what was right in front of it all along."

The student pondered the master's words and asked, "So, you're saying that we should settle for less and stop searching for something better?"

The master smiled and replied, "No, my dear student. I am saying that satisfaction is not something to be found out there. It is already within you, waiting to be discovered. The more you search for it externally, the further you move away from it. Look within yourself, and you shall find what you seek."


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