Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wait No More

A student once approached the Zen master and asked, "Master, what is the purpose of waiting? It seems like a futile endeavor, wasting precious moments of our lives."

The master smiled and replied, "Imagine a bird perched on a branch, waiting for the wind to carry it to its destination. Does the bird's waiting make the wind blow any faster?"

The student pondered for a moment and responded, "No, Master. The bird's waiting does not affect the wind's pace."

The master nodded and continued, "Just as the bird's waiting does not control the wind, our waiting does not alter the passage of time. Waiting is like clutching onto a passing cloud, hoping it will carry us to our desires. Yet, the cloud dissipates, and we are left empty-handed."

The student looked puzzled, seeking further clarity. The master continued, "Waiting often stems from a belief that fulfillment lies in the future. We fixate on the destination, ignoring the beauty and potential of the present moment. We become prisoners of time, chained to the illusion of a better tomorrow."

The student contemplated the master's words and then inquired, "Master, what then shall we do? How can we break free from the chains of waiting?"

The master gazed into the student's eyes and gently replied, "Embrace the dance of life as it unfolds before you. Instead of waiting for the rain to stop, dance in the downpour. Instead of waiting for success, savor the journey of growth. Instead of waiting for enlightenment, realize that it resides within you, here and now."

The student's face brightened, and a smile emerged. At that moment, the student understood that the pointlessness of waiting is a reminder to live fully in the present, for it is in the present moment that life's true magic is discovered.


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