Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Every Grain of Sand

In the ancient temple of Serene Reflection, a monk approached the master with a question heavy upon his heart.

"Master," the monk began, "why do our lives seem as fleeting as grains of sand slipping through our fingers, disappearing into the vastness of time?"

The master, sitting in quiet contemplation, gestured for the monk to join him by the tranquil pond outside the temple. They watched as the water gently lapped against the shore, carrying with it the shimmering grains of sand.

"Each moment," the master spoke softly, "is like a grain of sand in the palm of your hand. It slips away effortlessly, carried by the currents of existence. Yet, in its fleeting nature lies its profound beauty."

The monk pondered the master's words as he watched the grains of sand cascade through his fingers and return to the earth.

"Our lives," the master continued, "are but a collection of these precious moments, each one slipping away as quickly as it arrives. And yet, it is in the awareness of this impermanence that we find the true value of each moment."

The monk nodded, understanding dawning within him like the first light of dawn.

"Embrace each moment," the master concluded, "hold it gently, cherish it dearly, for in its passing lies the essence of life itself."


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