Monday, October 14, 2024

Truth Obsolete

Giant screens towered over the crumbling cities, flickering with relentless messages. They stretched across the skyline, mounted on every corner, and embedded in every building that still stood. Day and night, the screens hummed with life, casting an eerie glow over the desolate streets. People wandered through the ruins, their faces bathed in the cold light, their minds imprisoned by the constant stream of propaganda.

It had become the only reality anyone knew. The images and words were carefully crafted, their rhythm hypnotic, erasing any sense of the past and reshaping the present. Truth had been outlawed. Questioning the screens was forbidden. Only the lie of the day was allowed to exist—lies about prosperity, unity, and safety. Each one was tailored to keep the masses in line, their minds too numb to remember what had come before.

Cameras on every corner scanned the streets, ensuring compliance. No one dared to look away from the screens for too long. No one dared to speak of what they truly felt or knew. In this new world, silence had become a survival skill. The few who tried to resist were quickly silenced, disappeared without a trace, their existence erased by the very technology that had once promised liberation.

This was the new reality—a world where truth was obsolete, where the screens ruled, and where people were nothing more than prisoners, brainwashed into submission.


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