Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Come Rain

From the heavens high above 
Comes a gift that fills with love 
Droplets dancing in the air 
A melody that all can share

Rain, oh how you soothe our soul 
Your rhythm, a symphony to behold 
Your arrival, a long-awaited embrace 
A reminder of life's steady pace

You quench the thirst of the land 
And bring forth beauty so grand 
The flowers bloom and the trees grow 
As you wash away the dirt and woe

With your gentle touch, you cleanse 
Washing away our worries and tense 
Your presence, a blessing from the skies 
A gift that fills our hearts and eyes

Rain, you bring forth life anew 
A reminder of nature's constant brew 
Your importance, we cannot deny 
For without you, we cannot thrive.

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