Friday, March 24, 2023

Embrace Wonder

Amidst the vast expanse of the night, 
We gaze upon the universe's sight, 
No judgments made upon the stars, 
Nor on the constellations near or far.

Things are as they are, we accept, 
No need for critique or concept, 
The heavens shine in their own way, 
A beauty unmatched in every display.

No thoughts of right or wrong, 
As we gaze at the starry throng, 
Each shining bright in its own light, 
A true marvel for our eyesight.

Well or badly arranged, it matters not, 
As we admire the beauty they brought, 
The universe speaks in its own voice, 
A symphony of wonder, we rejoice.

So let us look out into the night, 
And behold the universe's might, 
With no comparisons, just pure awe, 
As we embrace its wonder and draw.


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