Thursday, June 8, 2023

Drift Away

Let us drift away for a moment,
And clear our minds in tranquil flight.
Away from the chaos and the torment,
Into the realm of serenity and light.

Close your eyes and feel the gentle breeze,
As it whispers secrets in our ears.
Let the worries of the world appease,
As we soar above all doubts and fears.

Leave behind the weight of earthly strife,
And embrace the solace of this reprieve.
In this respite, where time is but a fleeting life,
We find solace in the simplicity we receive.

Away, away, we shall wander,
In the realms where dreams reside.
Where thoughts are free to meander,
And the burdens of reality subside.

Through fields of golden blossoms, we'll stroll,
Where every step is bathed in pure delight.
The fragrance of freedom will fill our soul,
As we revel in this sacred flight.

With each breath, inhale the peace,
Exhale the chaos, let it dissipate.
Find solace in the silence's release,
As we let our weary minds abate.

Oh, let us drift away for a moment,
To find harmony within the boundless skies.
Clearing our minds, we become potent,
Renewed spirits, ready to once again rise.

For in these fleeting moments we find,
The strength to face the challenges ahead.
With clarity and peace intertwined,
We emerge, revitalized and spirit-fed.

So let us drift away, my friend,
In this sanctuary, far from the noise.
In stillness, our souls shall mend,
And find serenity amidst the poise.

For a moment, let us drift away,
And clear our minds with tranquil grace.
To return to the world, rejuvenated, we may,
With a newfound clarity and an embrace.


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