Thursday, July 20, 2023

Solitary Quest

In the quiet solitude, where no echoes of others reach, we embark on a journey within. We seek to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath our veiled selves. 

In the forest of aloneness, a lone traveler wanders, searching for the essence of their being. They traverse the winding paths, guided only by their own footprints, disappearing with every step. 

In this realm of introspection, questions arise like mist in the early morning. Who am I? What is my purpose? Yet the answers elude, hiding amidst the shadows of doubt. 

With a patient heart and open mind, the traveler persists, embracing the unknown. They sit by the river of silence, where whispers of wisdom emerge from the depths. 

In stillness, the self finds solace, merging with the vastness of the universe. The boundaries dissolve, and the essence becomes clear, like a mirror reflecting its own reflection. 

When the traveler finally meets themselves, they realize there was no separation to begin with. They are the river and the forest, the seeker and the sought. In solitude, they find unity. 

Thus, the koan whispers softly: "Alone, we journey to find ourselves, only to discover we were never apart. In the depths of silence, the truth of oneness emerges."


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