Saturday, May 4, 2024

A still point

A monk lived at the edge of a bustling city, where the noise of traffic mingled with the sound of chirping birds. Each morning, he walked to the city square to meditate. People rushed by, horns blared, and neon signs flashed above. Yet, the monk sat still, his eyes closed, a gentle smile on his lips.

One day, a young business executive stopped before him and asked, "Master, how do you find peace amid all this chaos?"

The monk opened his eyes and replied, "Peace is the still point in the turning world."

The executive frowned, then said, "But how can you find stillness when everything around you is in motion?"

The monk reached into his robe and pulled out a small stone, smooth and round. He handed it to the executive and said, "Hold this stone and remain still."

The executive gripped the stone tightly. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he resisted the urge to check it. Nearby, a car alarm went off, and someone shouted angrily. Yet, the executive stood firm, holding the stone as though his life depended on it.

After a few minutes, the monk said, "Now, release the stone."

The executive did, and the stone fell to the ground, rolling away into the crowd.

The monk smiled and said, "Peace is not about holding on or letting go. It is the space where you choose to be still, whether or not the stone rolls away."


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