Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amazon's Kindle

I know the Kindle's been around for awhile.... I've got the Kindle app on my phone, and like it... even with the small screen. The main reason that, up until now, I haven't rushed out and bought an ereading device is that I do most of my reading from a computer, and the books that I do read are mostly photography books... which, for me, means I want to see the images in color.

Saturday, April 3, 2010, the iPad is being launched. No, I'm not going to rush out and get one. What this means is that color is coming to ereading devices, and it's just a matter time until they are all in color. That's when I'll jump in the pool and get an ereader. For now I'll continue to read books on my computer and/or phone.

Having recently moved and taking along with me an entire library, collected over the years (this doesn't even count the books I had to find homes for), these devices are of even more value to me. The same goes for my old vinyl, it needs to be digitized, which is another subject and post.

The future is here.... embrace it.

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