Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ready to shift

Ready to shift by Damian Gadal
Ready to shift, a photo by Damian Gadal on Flickr.
I took this with my iPhone, and yes I know it's not the world's greatest photo.  The story behind this is the big changes in photography, the mechanics behind it actually.

I was at a car show and ran into a friend from the local camera club and we were talking about cameras (of course) and the upcoming club discussion about small cameras. 

There's been much excitement over the new mirrorless cameras coming about, which are quickly being adopted by club members.  Weight is one of the biggest reasons, these things are light.

So we stood and chatted a bit and I told her that I didn't think it would be all that long before you did everything on the camera, including post processing and uploading to the cloud.  So, I did a quick demo on my phone, the result being this image.  The point I was trying to make is that we'll soon be able to take the computer and photoshop (as we know it today) out of the equation.

She was impressed with what my little phone could do, and a bit discouraged at the same time, and I don't blame her.  Photography enthusiasts have spent substantial amounts of time and money on their passion of making images.

Needless to say, she agreed that we'd soon be using internet connected cameras that had an operating system that allowed for post processing on touch screens.

So I'm reading my news feed today and what do I run across?  An article about a new Nikon camera running Android.  I kid you not.

Feel free to chime in on the comments on where you think cameras are headed.

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