Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chained Up

Chained Up by Damian Gadal
Chained Up, a photo by Damian Gadal on Flickr.
Yesterday I came across and article about a guy who was coming to the end of his analog life.  He's probably in the same age group as me, post fifty, and realizes that it's time to downsize and purge.  Always a good thing.

His big revelation was that he's part of the last generation of analog accumulators.  Books, records, CDs, DVDs, printed photos, etc., all this stuff adds up, and really is a burden.  Most analog mementos only mean something to those holding on to time, it's the memories behind them that give them most of their value.

In the end, most of this still will end up at a thrift shop or in a landfill.  That's the bottom line. And yet, he was lamenting the loss, and was even more troubled that Generation Text will be free from the burden of analog stuff.

The comments that followed his post showed that he's not alone.  Maybe it's just me, but I see it as a freedom from being chained up to the past and to things, and that it's a good thing to get away from analog.

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