Thursday, March 16, 2023

Be like water

A monk asked his master, "Master, what is the nature of water?"

The master replied, "Water is like the mind - it is fluid and can take on any shape or form. It can be gentle or powerful, calm or turbulent. It adapts to its surroundings, yet remains true to its essence. Just as water can flow around obstacles and through narrow spaces, so too can the mind adapt and overcome any challenge."

The monk asked, "But master, how can we learn to be like water?"

The master smiled and said, "Through practice and mindfulness, we can cultivate the fluidity of water within ourselves. We must let go of our rigid beliefs and attachments, and learn to flow with the current of life. Like water, we must be patient and persistent, always seeking the path of least resistance. Only then can we truly understand the nature of water and the nature of our own being."


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