Monday, May 15, 2023


In the realm of love, a seeker approached a wise master and asked, "How can I let love radiate from within me?"

The master, sitting in stillness, gazed at the seeker and replied, "Imagine a flower, delicate and vibrant, blossoming in a hidden garden. Its beauty quietly emanates, attracting bees and butterflies, yet it does not strive to be noticed."

Perplexed, the seeker inquired, "But how does this relate to letting love radiate?"

The master, ever serene, continued, "Love is like that hidden garden. Nurture it within yourself, tending to its roots with compassion and acceptance. Allow love to grow naturally, free from expectation or desire for recognition."

The seeker pondered for a moment and then asked, "But what about sharing love with others? How can I let it be felt?"

The master smiled knowingly and responded, "When the flower is ready, the gentle breeze naturally carries its sweet fragrance afar, touching all who are receptive. Likewise, as you cultivate love within, it will naturally emanate from your being, touching the hearts of those around you without force or imposition."

With newfound understanding, the seeker thanked the master and left, contemplating the wisdom received.

Days turned into seasons, and the seeker, now a radiant presence, realized that love, like a hidden garden's flower, blossoms effortlessly when tended to with care. And in letting love radiate from within, they discovered the true essence of its transformative power.


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