Saturday, November 24, 2012

Unfinished Work

Unfinished Work by Damian Gadal
Unfinished Work, a photo by Damian Gadal on Flickr.
I jumped in the ebook pool, and am swimming along.  Getting the formatting right isn't going as smoothly as I'd like, but it's not as bad as I expected.  The key here is to know some html, and actually clean things up that way.

This isn't a book that I wrote, but one I'm helping out with on the technical side.  We're starting with a small project and will take it from there.

So, to sum up briefly these are the step of the process we've taken.  We started with a MS Word (yuck) document, saved it was html, used a text editor to clean up some of the code.  Then downloaded, installed, and ran Kindle Previewer to create the mobi files needed for the Kindle.

It's been interesting so far.  There's a bit more work to do before this whole thing goes live and becomes an actual ebook.

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