Monday, September 25, 2023

Consider the river

In a tranquil forest, a curious student approached their wise teacher, seeking enlightenment on the paradox of freedom. They asked, "Teacher, how can one truly find freedom when they are bound by the choices they make?"

The teacher, gazing at a butterfly dancing on the breeze, replied, "Consider the river, my dear student. It flows freely through the valleys, unrestricted by the rocks and the earth that guide its course. Yet, within these bounds, it finds its serenity and purpose. True freedom is not the absence of boundaries but the wisdom to flow gracefully within them."

The student pondered these words as they watched the butterfly and the river, realizing that, in the dance of life, freedom and restraint were intertwined like the wings of the butterfly and the currents of the river, creating a harmonious paradox that led to a deeper understanding of the true nature of freedom.


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