Saturday, September 2, 2023

Shine Brightly

In a realm of mist and moonlight, there stood a solitary lighthouse upon a craggy shore. It guided ships through treacherous waters, its beacon a lifeline in the midst of darkness. One day, a curious traveler approached the lighthouse keeper and asked, "Why does the lighthouse shine so brightly?"

The keeper smiled, his eyes reflecting the dancing light, and replied, "Imagine the light within you is a lighthouse as well. Just as this beacon serves as a guide to sailors, your inner light illuminates your path through life's storms. Yet, remember that a lighthouse does not curse the storm, nor does it long for calm seas. It simply stands tall, radiating its purpose. So too should you embrace your inner light, shining without attachment to the circumstances that surround you."

With these words, the traveler found a deeper understanding. In the flicker of the lighthouse's glow, they glimpsed the timeless truth that both storms and serenity are part of the grand tapestry of existence. And from that day on, whenever they faced challenges, they remembered the lighthouse's wisdom – to stand steadfast and shine brightly, regardless of the tides that swept around them.


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