Friday, September 22, 2023

Finding Peace

In the quiet stillness of a serene garden, a seeker approached a wise monk and asked, "How can one find true serenity amidst life's storms?"

The monk gently plucked a single leaf from a nearby tree and handed it to the seeker, saying, "Hold this leaf high above your head and let it go. Watch as it dances in the wind and follows its own path. Can you control its every movement?"

The seeker released the leaf, and it fluttered away, swaying with the breeze, following an unpredictable course. After a moment, the monk continued, "True serenity is not in controlling the wind or the leaf's flight, but in surrendering to the flow of life, embracing its unpredictable twists and turns, and finding peace within your own heart as you journey alongside it."


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