Wednesday, June 26, 2024

As I Fade Away

Will you remember me
when I'm scattered to the wind,
just bits of broken memory
on a road of forgetting I'm destined?
Oh, will you remember for me
my history that's taken wing
and left me alone and empty,
a fading melody, no lyrics to sing?
Oh please, remember my history,
the colors that painted my past,
the strokes of joy and misery,
in a gallery that couldn't last.

Will you see the art in me,
the canvas of my soul's design,
the brushstrokes wild and free,
crafted with passion, love, and time?
My heart, a palette of dreams,
each hue a story to be told,
a spectrum of life's extremes,
in vibrant reds and melancholic gold.

As the sculptor's hands carve clay,
molding life from the shapeless dust,
so did I, in my own humble way,
create beauty in the name of trust.
In the tapestry of the night,
stars stitched with threads of light,
I wove my hopes and fears,
a masterpiece of countless years.

When my colors start to fade,
and the frame begins to rust,
will you recall the art I made,
and see my spirit in the dust?
Oh, will you remember me,
the artist who dared to dream,
whose life was a symphony,
a melody in the eternal stream?

Will you cherish the legacy
of an artist's fleeting grace,
a story etched in memory,
a portrait time cannot erase?
Oh please, remember my history,
the gallery of my heart,
the echoes of my artistry,
in the silence, my living art.


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