Thursday, June 27, 2024

Finding Some Peace

Five monks gathered in a mountain temple to meditate on peace. 

As they settled into their quiet contemplation, a fierce storm arose outside. The wind howled, the trees bent, and the temple walls shuddered. 

One monk stood up and closed the window shutters, saying, "We must protect the temple from the storm."

The second monk stood up and lit a candle, saying, "We must illuminate the darkness within."

The third monk stood up and bowed to the storm, saying, "We must honor the power of nature."

The fourth monk stood up and fetched a blanket, saying, "We must ensure we are warm."

The fifth monk remained seated, eyes closed, and said nothing.

When the storm passed, the first four monks looked to the fifth and asked, "Why did you not act during the storm?"

The fifth monk opened his eyes and smiled, "I did. I meditated on peace."


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