Tuesday, June 25, 2024

In Hope, My Heart Prevails

I can't put my finger on it,
A shadow drapes my mind,
My world obscured by clouds,
Unraveling, I feel confined.

Something's wrong, I know,
An emptiness gnaws within,
How many lost days I forget,
As memories grow thin.

A stranger lost in a crowd,
Loneliness my silent friend,
Raindrops fall like heavy tears,
On a path with no clear end.

This is how my days now go,
Drifting through a misty haze,
Seeking light in the gloom,
But the darkness always stays.

Beneath the weeping sky,
I wander through the rain,
Searching for the missing piece,
To soothe this endless pain.

The clouds, they never part,
Their grey a constant veil,
Yet I keep moving forward,
In hope, my heart prevails.


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