Tuesday, July 9, 2024

An Endless Void

My memories faded fast
like shadows in the past
the echoes of laughter
replaced by a silent disaster
hearts once close, now apart
the rhythm of life lost its start

Loneliness crept in like night
dimmed the stars, stole the light
tears dried before they fell
in a silent, empty shell
the world spun on, I stood still
trapped in a void, against my will

Time became a distant shore
a ticking clock, a closing door
each tick a reminder of loss
each tock a toll, a heavy cost
forgotten by time, unseen, unheard
life reduced to a whisper, a blurred word

Dreams once bright now dim and gray
chasing the light that slips away
hopes like leaves in autumn's breath
drifting down to silent death
the song of life turned to a dirge
a somber tune, a mournful surge

Eyes that once sparkled with light
now stare into the endless night
hands that held love, now empty and cold
a story of sorrow, a tale untold
the silence louder than any sound
an endless void where I am bound

Seasons changed, but not for me
locked in winter's eternity
no spring to bring its bloom
no summer to chase the gloom
fall's colors fade to black and white
an endless, unchanging night

People pass, like shadows fleeting
voices a distant, ghostly greeting
a touch, a smile, a laugh, a tear
all faded into the ether, unclear
connections lost, bonds erased
in this void, I'm displaced

Eyes closed to see the light
to escape this unending night
but dreams bring no solace, no peace
only echoes of a past, a brief release
awake or asleep, the void remains
a silent witness to my pains

Walls close in, the room grows small
my world reduced to this narrow hall
each step a struggle, each breath a fight
to hold on, to endure the night
but hope is a distant, fading star
lost in the vastness, ever so far

Once vibrant life, now a ghost
a shadow of what mattered most
the warmth of the sun, a distant memory
now cold and dark, my only scenery
days blur, nights blend
into an endless, friendless end

Familiar places, unfamiliar now
lost in the maze, don't know how
to find my way back to what was
to the life, the love, the cause
each corner turned, leads nowhere
just deeper into despair

Words once flowed like a river
now stuck in the throat, a shiver
communication lost in the void
no solace, no comfort enjoyed
a silence that screams within
a battle I'll never win

Faces blend, names confuse
in the fog of forgetfulness, I lose
grasp on reality, on what's true
everything once clear, now askew
lost in a maze of fading thought
in a world where I'm forgot

Hands reach out, but I can't see
the lifeline that's meant for me
blinded by the dark, by the fear
by the loss of all that's dear
alone in this endless night
searching for a glimmer of light

Yet somewhere deep, a spark remains
a tiny flame through all the pains
a hope that someday, light will break
through the void, for my sake
that life will return, love will heal
that I'll once again, feel

That spark, my guide, my saving grace
in this dark, forsaken place
I hold on tight, I won't let go
for the promise of a tomorrow
where light will conquer the night
where everything will be alright

In the darkest hour, I find my strength
to endure, to hold on at length
for the dawn that will come, I believe
for the morning that will relieve
this night, this void, this endless pain
and bring back life, love, again

Someone flipped a switch
but it will switch back
the phone will ring, the light will track
days will find names, months will slow
seasons will return, life will glow
the void will shrink, faces will reappear
names will become clear

Words will flow, life will renew
confusion will fade, clarity will view
the spark will ignite a blazing flame
life will call me back by name
the void will recede, love will win
the darkness will end, light will begin


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