Sunday, July 21, 2024

Me Once Again

Awaken the memory
of me, of who I am,
or was along the way,
where shadows blend with light,
in whispers of the past,
give me something to hold,
a clue perhaps, a sign,
to trace the lines of time,
and find my way back home.

A face to recognize,
in mirrors of the mind,
a spark to alight the dark,
a glimmer of the eyes,
that’s all I can ask,
a flicker in the gloom,
to guide me through the night,
and bring me to the dawn.

A hope on which to cling,
a thread of golden light,
a redemption song to sing,
a melody so soft,
it weaves into my dreams,
a place where I belong,
where echoes of the heart,
resonate with truth.

To live, love, and sing,
in fields of endless green,
to feel the morning dew,
and bask in twilight’s glow,
to dance among the stars,
with feet that feel the earth,
and find the rhythm there,
in every beat of life.

To be me once again,
in the cradle of the world,
to breathe the ancient air,
and hear the call of birds,
to stand upon the shore,
and watch the tides return,
to gather all the fragments,
and make a whole of me.

In the silence of the night,
when the world is still and calm,
I seek the hidden paths,
that lead to who I am,
I follow echoes far,
through corridors of time,
to find the self I lost,
and bring it back to life.

In the whispers of the wind,
I hear a distant song,
a lullaby of dreams,
where all my pieces fit,
I reach out to the stars,
and grasp a fleeting spark,
a moment of pure light,
to guide me through the dark.

With every step I take,
I shed the weights of time,
the burdens of the past,
that held me from my truth,
I find the strength within,
to rise and claim my name,
to stand in the full light,
and see myself once more.

Awaken the memory,
of who I truly am,
a soul of endless depth,
a heart that knows its way,
a mind that seeks the stars,
a spirit unconfined,
to live in perfect harmony,
with all that I can be.

In this rebirth I find,
the essence of my core,
a being of pure light,
that shines through every storm,
to live, love, and sing,
to dance upon the waves,
to be the truest self,
and be me once again.


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