Friday, July 5, 2024

Through Life and Death

In solitude, I tread the shadowed halls,
Where memories, like ancient tapestries, fade.
Each step, a whisper of forgotten days,
Each corner, a canvas of yearning shades.

My heart, a lantern in the twilight gloom,
Seeks the warmth of a long-vanished sun.
It beats with echoes of laughter once shared,
Now hushed, like songs from a distant moon.

My soul, adrift in an ocean of time,
Remembers the touch of a cherished hand.
The gentle smile that painted my skies,
Now a phantom, in dreams, it strands.

The voice that once wove tales of joy and sorrow,
Is but a breeze, lost in the labyrinth of night.
Its words, like petals, scattered and still,
Yet their fragrance lingers, soft and bright.

Oh, let me bask in the golden light of life,
To find again the mirth in simple things.
To rise above, where angels freely roam,
In a realm where no burden clings.

To laugh once more, in the dance of the stars,
To celebrate the gift of every breath.
For in this journey, we find our way,
Through love and loss, through life and death.

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