Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Hollow Ritual

In America, the air was thick with a sense of impending doom, but the streets remained eerily calm. The election season had arrived, but it no longer brought with it the excitement or hope of change. Instead, it was a well-rehearsed charade, a play put on by the powerful to keep the masses occupied. The candidates, polished and smiling, stood behind podiums and delivered speeches laden with empty promises, their words carefully crafted by teams of advisors whose sole job was to maintain the illusion of choice. The debates were nothing more than scripted performances, with winners predetermined long before the cameras started rolling.

The public, numbed by years of manipulation, watched the spectacle unfold on their screens, oblivious to the strings being pulled behind the scenes. Some still believed their vote mattered, that their voice held weight, but the truth was buried beneath layers of propaganda, buried so deep that most couldn’t see it even if they tried. The media, once a supposed pillar of truth, had become nothing more than an extension of the political machine, regurgitating the same narratives over and over until they became reality in the minds of the people. The few who questioned the narrative were quickly silenced, labeled as extremists, their platforms stripped away by the tech overlords who decided what was acceptable to say and what was not.

Freedom had become a distant memory, more of a concept than a lived reality. It was a word thrown around by politicians who twisted it to fit their agendas, agendas that bore more resemblance to the communist regimes of old than to the democracy they claimed to protect. They spoke of equality, of fairness, of justice, but behind their carefully crafted words was a darker truth—control. They had rebranded their authoritarianism as democracy, and the people, too tired and too distracted to fight back, accepted it without question.

The once-great nation was crumbling, and few could see it. Those who did were powerless to stop it, their voices drowned out by the overwhelming noise of manufactured consent. And so the election continued, a hollow ritual performed in the name of a democracy that no longer existed, while the true power remained firmly in the hands of those who had rewritten history to ensure their rule would never be challenged.


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