Friday, August 9, 2024

Parody of Democracy

The once-sacred ritual of election night had devolved into a grotesque spectacle, a parody of democracy broadcast to millions like a blockbuster TV drama. Under the glittering lights of soundstages disguised as debate halls, candidates—pre-selected by shadowy figures far removed from public scrutiny—delivered their carefully scripted lines, their rehearsed passion betraying no hint of the farce they participated in. The crowd, handpicked to display the illusion of enthusiasm, cheered on cue, their fervor as manufactured as the political slogans plastered on every screen.

Behind the scenes, a different kind of show was running. Executives in pristine suits huddled in conference rooms, poring over data that determined the most effective ways to manipulate the masses. Algorithms, refined to perfection, predicted which lies would be most easily swallowed and which falsehoods would ignite just enough outrage to keep the illusion of a divided electorate alive. The outcome had been decided long before the first vote was cast, but the charade had to be maintained—for now.

The press, once the watchdogs of power, had become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the very forces they were meant to hold accountable. Each briefing, a masterclass in gaslighting, twisted the narrative further. Facts were distorted beyond recognition, spun into webs of deceit that ensnared the public in a cycle of confusion and despair. The anchors, with their polished veneers and hollow smiles, delivered the lies with such conviction that even the most discerning minds began to doubt their own sanity.

Hope, that fragile thread that once held the fabric of society together, had all but frayed to nothing. In its place was a cold, creeping resignation. The people went through the motions, casting their ballots, watching the results, and arguing over policies that would never see the light of day. Deep down, they knew the truth: they were not citizens but pawns in a game played by unseen hands, their choices an illusion, their voices echoes in a void.


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