Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Hoax Unveiled

The self, a fleeting wave,
Ripples on the vast ocean,
Dreaming it stands alone,
Yet each crest whispers softly—
You are not what you seem.

The sky holds no boundary,
Clouds drift, dissolving away.
Our thoughts, like these clouds,
Shape the heavens for a moment,
Then vanish into the wind.

A tree grows in the forest,
Unseen, it shares its roots wide.
We too are rooted deep,
In the soil of shared being—
Yet we think we're apart.

The moon casts its light down,
But the night claims no shadow.
We are both light and dark,
Playing roles in the great dance,
Until we see through the veil.

The silence speaks the truth,
Words dissolve into stillness.
In this space, all things merge,
And the self fades like echoes—
Leaving only the whole.


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