Thursday, August 29, 2024

Follow the Crowd

The world had become a shadow of its former self, a place where truth no longer mattered and where free thought was a distant memory. People shuffled through their daily lives like ghosts, their eyes glazed over, minds numbed by endless waves of propaganda. The light of curiosity had long since dimmed, replaced by a dull acceptance of whatever was fed to them.

They did not question; they did not wonder. What purpose would it serve? The media had trained them to obey, to listen, to comply. The powers that be had conditioned them to surrender their will in exchange for security that never came, for answers that were never given. They were sheep, waiting to be herded toward the next command, oblivious to the precipice they neared.

Opinions no longer existed—there were only regurgitated talking points. Thought had been replaced by parroting, and action by compliance. It was easier to follow than to think, easier to accept than to fight. And so they moved in unison, blind to the lies that bound them, deaf to the cries of those who had not yet succumbed.

Even the faintest spark of rebellion had been snuffed out, smothered by the overwhelming weight of conformity. It was safer to stay in line, safer to follow the crowd. What use was resistance when everything was predetermined? The illusion of choice was enough to keep the masses in check, pacified by the illusion of freedom, content in their ignorance.

The edge of the cliff loomed ahead, but they could not see it. They marched forward, step by step, urged on by the voices of authority that promised them salvation but led them to destruction.


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